Sunday, December 23, 2007

Appeal to all bloggrers

Some have argued that “since Blog is a private place, one can write whatever he/she likes.”

This statement is false and with qualification.

First of all, “Is blog a private place?”

Blog provides a platform for individuals self expression, that can be a very constructive and innovative, but it is by no means “private”. The statistics plainly shows how many visitors hit a blog. Blog has become a New Media challenging the traditional moral and political regime. It has also exposed the mass the great perilous danger of evil. Therefore, we need to exercise due care and caution. As a blog, we owe the mass a moral duty of what we write and post here.

Secondly, though we are now in the time of individualism. Without prejudice of one’s freedom of expression and writing, every social being is subject to the moral and legal rules and regulation in any given societies. No one lives on island. One should take responsible of his /her actions of public consequences. While law exercises legal sanction against deviances against law, the moral rules and regulations, perhaps one’s own consciousness exercise ever greater and more powerful sanction against deviance against such.

To everything, there is appropriate channel, time and place to be and not to be. It is grossly inappropriate and of base and low class to bring “inconvenient and private” matters into “public domain” without first considering the public benefits and consequences.

I urge you, blogger, to seek a noble cause. If you have nothing good to say, hold your peace but whenever you write and publish in blogs, write: “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

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