Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Be aware of such blogs

I was greatly disturbed as I came across one of popular blogs called “private garden” written by a woman, in which she claims that she does not care what others think “it was only for herself.” To my horror and disgust, she described the multiple accounts in detail of her sex experiences with many men.

Sex and love, by nature, is holy upon God and man. It is God’s gift for men to treasure and enjoy. it has become, in her pen, the unruly desire by which she is consuming and be consumed. What a sad state for a woman.

Unlike other pornography sites, it has an innocent blog look as many others, but the contents are as filthy as any pornography sites.

Though she claims “private garden” but in fact it publicly pours poisons to many innocent souls.

Be aware of such blogs!

That is perhaps one of worst evil of Internet communication brought into our society and our daily life. Blog has become a popular way for people to communicate and a new media, some could be constructive, informative and building up the relationship within certain communities. But it has also become a fertile ground to breed those pests. The ugliness, darkness, and evil through the internet can easily penetrate to anywhere to ruin the heart of men. Truly, the days are evil.

The freedom without responsibility is no longer a true freedom. Those who claim personal freedom on advocating such shameless acts are in fact themselves the salve of their sins. The true freedom is free from sin.

I cannot help but pity this young lady. May God have mercy upon her soul.

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