What are you worrying for? Are you worried for you job? That is why you are so careful to speak, to act, to write, "if I have not been so careful, I might have been laid off by now."
Are you worried whether you will have enough money to...
Are you worried your children? Are they safe, with good company? If you are not worrying for them, perhaps, you are not good parents.
Are you worried for your health? There are 101 chances to die, to get sick, and how can one not to?
Are you worried for death? Oh, dreadful, even when you sleep, you worry about whether you will wake up.
Are you worried for your hearth? 23% people every year died of heart attack, "how can I am sure my heart is working fine?"
Are you worried for your wife? "Is she safe, loyal and faithful, or still in love with me?"
Are you worried for weather? "Oh yes, I want to go outing, whether will be a good weather?"
Are you worried about accident? Car accident, airplane crash, nowadays, even when you walk on the road, the tree may fall on you.
Are you worried about future? Terrorism, economic and political.... "Oh yes, there are just too many things I need to worry about."
But Wait, think, Can you worry change any of those things? If not, why worry? When you start to worry, you lost your peace; your joy; your heath and your time.
Most of things you worry about are in future tense. Worry makes you to escape the responsibility for now.
Because of worry, you create a false impression of being responsible, being a good parent or good spouse. In reality, you are lack of responsibility. Because of worrying, you have no courage to take risk in your career, so your career never will advance; because of worrying, you don't trust anyone, so you have no friends; because of worrying, you sacrifice your own health and joy.
By worrying, you lost your precious present tense to enjoy life and to take opportunity. By worrying, you lost great privilege of faith and gratefulness.
Jesus once said "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap, yet your heavenly Father feeds them, are you not much better than they?"
In this world, we all have many worries, but we all have choice of "Not to worry."
Remember the prayer of a wise man "Dear Lord, let me change for those things I could, but set me free from worrying for those things I could not, but trust in your goodness and mercy in my whole life and beings. Amen."
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Do you worry? sometimes?
Posted by
Full Time Mother
8:23 AM
Labels: turning point of life
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