Saturday, July 19, 2008

The most wanted "C"

Singaporeans have been pursuing "C"s for decades. Certificates, Career, Cash, Car, Condominium and Country Club....Not until recently, the most wanted "C", as far as for the government concerns, is "Children". Ironically, as much wanted as it might be, few Singaporeans share the same conviction with the government. children are simply not at the top "to do" list for many Singaporean.

Recently, MM Lee suggested whether the Sweden family policy should be implemented here. Today published an article by a mother of two, Ms Chrispina Robert, who is rather skeptical of effectiveness of such policy in Singapore, she argued that the culture perspective for perfection and social structure here make the child/or family pro policy rather ineffective. It would take at least 30 years of cultural rebuilding for family environment flourishing.

She shared that as a mother of two young children, it was impossible for her to serve two masters, she ended up to quit. While fathers' life is not least easier, the perpetual high demands and globalized intensive competition drive them working harder and harder, leaving less and less time and energy for home, it is just not healthy for family life.

I share her conviction on being a Full Time mother, but, I dare say that it is not that difficult to have more children than what she thinks.

To have children or not, is truly matter of choice and faith. If you have a will, there will be a way.

I know many couples who have more than four children and above living on one income. Their family life is certainly not extravagant but comfortable. Their children are capable to do many domestic chores, most important, they learn that to be happy and content with little they have and choose to forge the lasting relationship which money cannot buy.

Children are too investment, not only material, but spiritual.

One reaps what he sows. The collective cultural changes need inspired and determined individuals, persons like you and me. For the children's sake, Full Time Mothers say "We can."

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